There is a common misconception held by some IT professionals that cloud services such as Microsoft 365 do not need a backup. And that would be a dangerous assumption to make, despite that fact we are talking about a well-respected giant such as Microsoft. Don’t wait until precious data has been deleted before you take action. Here are 7 reasons why you need additional data backup when you’re working with Microsoft 365…
Going Hybrid: Building On What Lockdown Taught Us About Work
Let’s not get carried away. If you’re reading this, it’s likely you were working flexibly for a long time before lockdown. It’s just that we’ve now experienced a more extreme…
Read More What Is Microsoft Office 365 In A Nutshell?
In our previous post ‘What is the cloud and why do I need it?’ we saw that while the cloud can be viewed as a concept, in physical terms it’s…
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